Friday, November 13, 2009

A BIG 10th Anniversary Present's been quite a while since I posted but my have I been busy! The kids are getting so big and there is much to report. Chick is just about 6 1/2 and Herm is the ripe old age of 15 months. They are doing great. So is the read right :) I AM PREGNANT!!!!! It is extremely early. I am 4 weeks 2 days to be exact. We did a Frozen Embryo Transfer. I have lots to discuss but we have been dealing with fertility issues for 10 years due to my PCOS. I'll explain that later. But anyway, Herm was an IVF baby and this lil bean was conceived at the same time as him. We had two embryos transferred in on November 2nd. I tested Sunday morning (November 8th) and was SHOCKED to see that it worked! The line was sooo light but it was made official 11-12 with a blood test. My hcg number was 106 and we need that number to double for my next blood test on Monday. We are so excited!!! Happy Anniversary to us!! If anyone stumbles across this blog between now and then please feel free to say a prayer or two for us. We really want this baby and see it as such a blessing! Chick is in Cheerleading and absolutely loves it! She has 4 competitions coming up and all she wants to do is cheer! Herm started running about 3 weeks ago. He is such a sweet lil bugger!! He will be holding something that he knows that he should not have and just look at you...we will then say "No Herm" and he will throw whatever it is he was holding and run away as fast as his lil legs will carry him. Everything is Hi Bye or Uh Oh right now. They are both so fun! Well...gotta get to bed. It is 12:15 am on my 10th wedding anniversary and I better get to sleep. I have a baby to grow, and two to keep up with tomorrow as well as have a nice anniversary with hubby...YEAH!